• +923174094437
  • hr@iramclinic.org

Complete Infertility Checkup

For couples trying to get pregnant for more than a year, who are interested in a complete infertility checkup, we are offering a large discount package:

  • Gynecological exam with a Pap smear, 3D ultrasound
  • Cervical smears
  • Sperm sample analysis and ejaculate bacteriological tests
  • Female hormone test results on days 2-5 of the cycle (FSH, LH, E2, PRL, TSH, AMH)
  • Consultations with the infertility specialist

If this checkup reveals that a couple is candidates for insemination or IVF, we also offer a discount for additional tests necessary: – for insemination, a tubal patency test (sono HSG)

– both for insemination and for IVF, because of legal requirements, it will be necessary to provide tests for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis C, and B for both, and the blood type and RH factor for a woman If you are interested in a complete infertility checkup, please call. You will need to come to our institution several times – the first time will consist of gynecological examination, pap smear, 3D ultrasound, and cervical smears, and sometimes the male tests will be done on the same day.

The blood draws for hormone assays will be done at the time of your menstrual period. Once all the results arrive, you will come for a final consultation with the infertility doctor, who will advise you on further procedures.

The package must be paid in advance, at first arrival. No refunds can be made.